• Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Good Friday

ByShubham Sharma

Apr 4, 2023

The Christian holiday of Good Friday honours the crucifixion and passing of Jesus Christ. When it falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, it is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday (around late March or early April).

In the Christian calendar, this day is considered a severe and sacred day frequently observed through church services, prayers, and fasting. It’s a moment to reflect on and remember what Jesus gave up for us, and it serves as a reminder of the value of spiritual renewal, repentance, and forgiveness.

History of Good Friday

Good Friday is a holiday that originates in Christian tradition and honours the crucifixion of Jesus. Christian belief holds that one of Jesus’ disciples, Judas Iscariot, betrayed him, leading to his incarceration by the Roman authorities. After being tried, he was found guilty of blasphemy and given death by crucifixion verdict.

There are various hypotheses about where the name “Good Friday” came from, but no one is convinced. While some say that “good” is a perversion of “God’s Friday,” others assert that the word is derived from the Medieval English proverb “Good Friday,” which meant holy or excellent Friday.

Christians have observed this day for more than 1,500 years. It was first observed during Holy Week, the week preceding Easter Sunday, in the fourth century. The day was initially observed by fasting and solemn prayer, but it evolved into a more ornate and sophisticated celebration with several traditions and customs attached to it over time.

One of the most significant days in the Christian calendar, This day is now observed by Christians everywhere. It is a season of reflection, repentance, and remembering Jesus’s sacrifice for humanity. Church services, processions, and other religious rituals are frequently held during this period.

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